Student Essay on What Is Desertification

What Is Desertification

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What is Desertification?

Desertification is a process in which deserts enlarge due to unsustainable farming and agricultural practices. Some of these practices include overcropping and overgrazing of fragile soil during drought. It is also the process in which non-desert lands become desert like.

When droughts occur and there isn't enough vegetation to bind the soil together, wind and water can cause large-scale erosions. The topsoil is removed due to dust storms and when rain eventually falls, rapid run-off causes many a problem.

Desertification is particularly a problem in Africa as it is a poorer continent and in times of desertification it looks for the aid of other countries as famines are struck across its regions.

It is estimated that annually six million hectares of productive land are being lost worldwide as a result of desertification.

Range of desertification The desertification process

in Africa