Student Essay on Photography


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Photography is one of the most popular things today. Imagine a world with no memories! What would we do, how would we capture things in our mind? Well since photography is so easy, and not much skill is needed, its much easier! The first camerea was invented by kodak in the 1800s. It was called the brownie box. it was of course much larger than the cameras we have now a days. in the earlier years, to have a camera, it was like being a movie star. not many people in this world even knew what a camera was. isnt it something how big and normal something is now, was rare and unusual then? well the world is changing everyday, which we all cant say its a bad thing! many schools around the world, have photography classes, teaching students how to develop thier own film. this is helping students realize how long it takes to actually do it themsleves, then to take it to a one hour photo at any drug store. a picture surely means more to you if you develop it your self. digital cameras are also very popular now a days. instead of having a card with a picture on it, you can just load all your pictues onto a computer which makes it so much eaier. doing it this was definantly makes it easier to not take up soo mcuh space. well i hope poeple realize where this world has come to with cameras and photography