Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of How the Treaty of Versailles Addressed the Causes of World War I.

Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of How the Treaty of Versailles Addressed the Causes of World War I.
This section contains 308 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

How the Treaty of Versailles Addressed the Causes of World War I

Summary: The Treaty of Versailles addressed four major causes of World War I -- nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and international anarchy. The treaty's distribution of German territory addressed nationalism and imperialism, its restrictions on the German military addressed militarism, and the formation of the League of Nations addressed international anarchy.
World War I had four major causes nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and international anarchy. The Treaty of Versailles addressed these. The "Big Three" or Prime Minister George of Britain, Prime Minister Clemenceau of France and President Wilson of America all negotiated what the treaty should regulate. The distribution of German territory reflected both nationalism and imperialism in Europe. German military restrictions displayed the importance of militarism at the time. The formation of the League of Nations as a peace keeping organization was done in order to correct the lack of international governing.

The distribution of German territory was in reaction to policies of imperialism and nationalist movements of the people. WWI began due to Germanys attempt to dominate Europe through land possession and economic competition. The other nations did not want Germany to be able to place Europe in this position again. The Treaty of Versailles was a way to get back at Germany for all these troubles. The treaty gave Alsace-Lorraine to France, which had been a main nationalist focal point in France. The Saar Basin was also given to France as compensation for the destruction of coal mines. The Saar Basin article in the Treaty of Versailles is wrought with nationalist and imperialist tones and ideas.. The redistribution of the African and Pacific colonies was due to the imperialist tendencies of the countries, Great Britain, France and Japan, which received them.

Another cause of WWI that was dealt with in the Treaty of Versailles was Militarism. The German army's size was restricted, and they were no longer allowed to operate submarines and airplanes. Their alliance with Austria was also forbidden. All these obligations stated in the treaty show a strong militaristic tone. The final cause of the war was international anarchy, which was countered when the League of Nations was created to keep world peace.

This section contains 308 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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