Gender Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Gender Development in Children.

Gender Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Gender Development in Children.
This section contains 1,287 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Gender Development in Children

Summary: Bandura's social learning theory states that gender is learnt through direct and indirect reinforcement. The direct reinforcement is influenced by parents and according to the social learning theory gender identity is also reinforced through the beliefs and attitudes that the parents implement within their children through gender stereotypical behaviour.
There have been many theories and studies in support of the development of gender identity and gender roles. One major theory was the one put forward by Bandura and his social learning theory.

Bandura's social learning theory states that gender is learnt through direct and indirect reinforcement. The direct reinforcement is influenced by parents and according to the social learning theory gender identity is also reinforced through the beliefs and attitudes that the parents implement within their children through gender stereotypical behaviour. However, gender roles can also be learnt through observation and modelling of behaviour.

Although Bandura did devise a theory into the explanation of development of gender identity, he did not however test this theory in order to obtain empirical evidence in relation to his hypothesis. Needless to say he did form a solid basis for other psychologists, so they could undergo experiments on the grounds of...

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