Diamond Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Diamonds' Equal Power.

Diamond Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of Diamonds' Equal Power.
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Diamonds' Equal Power

Summary: An examination of an advertisement for "A Diamond is Forever" taken from W magazine, which attempts to create a need among women for the "right hand ring." Marketers develop this ring for the woman who knows how to work hard and clearly demonstrates the power and perception women feel towards diamonds.
A mans best friend is a dog and girl's Diamonds. Marilyn Monroe said it best, "diamonds are a girl's best friend." This timeless saying makes Tiffany's & Co, Cartier, and Harry Winston very happy and helps the sale of diamonds more than Ms. Monroe will ever know. A diamond is not just the "4c's" anymore, color, carat weight, clarity and cut. Diamonds are revolving into something more than the hardest mineral. The diamond says more than words could express. A symbol of love is worn on the left but what about the right? Women of the world raise your right hands because you deserve to glisten is essentially the meaning behind the Diamond Trading Company's advertising. What is silent but speaks volumes? It's your worth in the form of a Round diamond, princess diamond, marquise diamond, oval, tear-drop diamond, and or pear-shaped diamond. W Magazine appeals to the successful...

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