Student Essay on Death Penalty Vs. Unjust Contradiction...

Death Penalty Vs. Unjust Contradiction...

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Death Penalty vs. Unjust Contradiction...

By definition, the phrase death is a permanent cessation of all vital functions: the end of life and penalty is defined as the suffering in person, rights, or property that is annexed by law or judicial decision to the commission of a crime or public offense. When one thinks of the phrase "unjust" the act of being unmerited and unwarranted both come to mind. Next, when the question of the death penalty being unjust is put into perspective, one can look at many different current events to obtain answers. Yes the death penalty is unjust because it is a serious contradiction that doesn't change the actions or minds of people.

First, if the death penalty were a method that created a solution to stopping the violence, then perhaps it wouldn't be unjust. However, since the death penalty was introduced many years ago, crime rates in inner cities, as well as the number of deaths have slowly increased. Murderers, convicts, felons and people that have no remorse will continue to do as they feel. From a sociological point of view, poverty is a major result of crime and violence. The death penalty is not always used, it hasn't been proven to be successful, and it makes no sense to allow it.

Next, how can the world we live in have a law that allows such a contradiction? A contradiction is nothing more than a negation. In order to get a point across and have an effective out come, the government should not illustrate killing. You send a person to jail, then sentence them to the death penalty to prove killing was wrong in the first place. Once you kill an individual for something you're trying to show was wrong to begin with sends a mixed message.

In conclusion, the death penalty is unjust for many reasons. It's wrong and should not be allowed. The death penalty is not only unjust, but unethical and also irrational. The government should remove the death penalty as an option for crime. There should be other measures taken in order to rid this inconsistency.