Louis XIV of France Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Were the Nobles "Domesticated" at Versailles?.

Louis XIV of France Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Were the Nobles "Domesticated" at Versailles?.
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Were the Nobles "Domesticated" at Versailles?

Summary: An explanation of the French nobility's never-ending involvement in ceremony and ritual at the palace of King Louis XIV. Such "domestication" enabled Louis confirmed the nobility's submission to him and thus to enhance his absolute authority as monarch.
The fact itself that courtiers of Louis XIV were required to show deference and respect to him enhanced his position as Absolute Monarch. However there are many other ways in which the life of the courtiers and their worship of Louis himself enhanced the King's position.

Life at Versailles involved the Nobility in never-ending ceremony and ritual in order to emphasise the power of Louis `the Sun King'. Hence at times Louis was worshipped by the Nobles alongside God - the chateau at Versailles contained a temple that was used as a Church. In times of prayer the Nobles would form a circle around an altar at the end of this church (that was dedicated to God), but would stand with their faces raised upwards towards the King, (who was kneeling above in a gallery). This suggested almost a Subordination that could only boost Louis' Absolute Monarchy -...

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