Student Essay on The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry

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A boy named Sam

-He live in his Uncles farm in the mountains

-He has older brothers and a little sister

-His dad was a naturalist and his mom was a stay at home mom

-Sam runs away from home and tries too survive

-He found a baby hawk with a broken wing and raised it

-He also caught fish and other small prey

-Sam experiences many intruders in his life while living there

-Someone comes to find him and walk him down the mountain into town

-Many times he had hunters come and make him scurry into a safe place

-He had a house in a hollow oak tree

-The summers were hot and the winters were cold

-Sometime he would go down to the library to look at wilderness books

-The lady there knew Sam very well

-Later on the bird was healed

-So Sam had to let it go

-Sam made very good friends with the animals

-Sometimes Sam would watch the town from afar

-He thought everybody forgot about him

-He saw everybody frolicking about

-But he was wrong

- His parents traveled up the mountain

-They asked Sam if he was ready to come back

-He protested and asked why couldn't his family could live there

-But later he excepted the fact and moved back

-He would also make trips up the mountain sometimes