Student Essay on Heroes

Heroes by Patricia Windsor

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According to an online dictionary, a hero is " a person noted for special achievement in a particular field." Elda and Eduardo Angel, my aunt and uncle, play the roles of heroes in the story of my life. As well as my parents, Elda and Eduardo are people whom I consider special and my idols. They have guided me as if I were one of their own. My uncle, Eduardo Angel, before passing away, would always inspire me with this quote, "El que Persevera Triumpha." These strong words mean those who persevere triumph. His quote is significant of the time when our family came from Cuba and experienced many struggles and hardship to get to what they have accomplished in this world today. This taught me that to be somebody, one has to study hard and not fall when any obstacle gets in the way.

My aunt, Elda Angel till this day, still guides me with this metaphor "La Educacion es el Vestido de gala Para la Fiesta de la Vida." This means that Education is the Gown for the Party of Life. These words also signify much to me and have taught me to finish high school, follow up with college, and get an education to be a successful person in the near future. Reciting this quote to myself each day, gives me the strength and motivation to study hard and move on through life having that it will pay off someday. My aunt has always regretted not going to college because when our family came from Cuba she was forced to work in order to bring in much needed money. Had she attended college, she say's she could have been a successful architect today.

Thanks to my aunt and uncle's advice throughout my

young life, I have been able to come a long way, so much

that I will soon graduate high school. Their useful and

heroic words will also help me in attaining a valuable

education in college.