Miss Havisham Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Character Analysis of Miss Havisham in Charles Dicken's Great Expectations.

Miss Havisham Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Character Analysis of Miss Havisham in Charles Dicken's Great Expectations.
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Character Analysis of Miss Havisham in Charles Dicken's Great Expectations

Summary: This essay pertains to the character Miss Havisham in Charles Dicken's Great Expectations. The text includes an analysis of her character, and how she may be considered the main character, Pip's, worst enemy. Through all of her pain and heartache, Miss Havisham was too blind to notice the feelings of others around her. Although Miss Havisham did not get what she hoped for, Pip does finally realize that Miss Havisham is not a friend or a benefactor.
Throughout the novel "Great Expectations", Pip has many friends and many enemies. At some points in the book, he could even be considered his own worst enemy. Although oblivious to Pip, Miss Havisham is his worst enemy, overtly ruining everything he has going for him.

Miss Havisham is a very cynical woman with a negative outlook on love, life, and any other positive aspects of the world. She was left deserted at the altar on her wedding day, and has never been strong enough to move on. In light of what has happened to her, Miss Havisham seeks revenge on Pip for the way men and love have treated her in the past. She somehow feels that in ruining Pip's life, she will feel satisfied and will be able to move on. When Pip is informed of his apprenticeship, he is so positive that Miss Havisham is his...

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