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Savagery and Civilization in The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Summary: Analysis of The Lord of the Flies. Essay exmaines the thin line between savagery and civilization.
I agree to a large extent that there is a thin line between civilization and savagery. Ralph represents order while Jack represents savagery. In the story, Ralph would be the leader that represents civilization. One of the major aspects of civilization would be the government. Savagery is well represented by the Beast.
At first, the elected government is supported by Jack and his choir. Jack and his choir represent the hunters or the military. In a society of savages, the hunters or military tend to be the second highest in rank as they provide food. In many underdeveloped countries, the government usually has the support of the military. This is one of the parallels that can be seen with savagery and civilization. When the government loses the support of the military, it tends to fall. As the bond between Jack and Ralph begins to break, Ralph's power begins...
This section contains 1,124 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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