Student Essay on Jesus' Death: The Greatest Love Story

Jesus' Death: The Greatest Love Story by John Dominic Crossan

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Imagine the love of one man being so strong and great that He would do the most unimaginable thing for you to be saved. He did. He sent His only son to save you from anything that the world might bring upon you. But the task of His son saving you was not an easy one. His son, Jesus, had to die the most embarrassing death of them all, the death of a thief and the death of a murderer. He was sentenced to die on a cross. His body was mutilated after being struck many times by several whips. For example, one whip had nine straps on it with pieces of glass, bone, and rock tied on the ends. These ends of the whip would stick in His back, and then it would be pulled, ripping His skin right off His back. His body was so disfigured that His flesh would be hanging off His body in strips and you could see His bones. After His body was mutilated and disfigured, He had to carry His own cross that He died on most of the way up the mountain. They then hung Him on the cross and struck a spear through His side. There He hung between two criminals, with a crown of thorns on His head, which was pressed firmly into His brow, and a spear in His side. During all of this, He was mocked, yelled and screamed at, and spit on. He did all of this to save you. This is the greatest love story of all time.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son..."

John 3:16 (KJV)