Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 18 pages of analysis of The Root of All Evil.

Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 18 pages of analysis of The Root of All Evil.
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(approx. 18 pages at 300 words per page)
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The Root of All Evil

Summary: All of the symbols Golding uses throughout the novel show the revelation of evil from within the children. Golding uses Lord of the Flies as the title of the novel because the Lord of the Flies symbolizes the innate evil within the children, which is the main idea of the novel. Golding shows that the children are not conditioned by society or another satanic force to act in an evil manner; the innate evil within themselves causes them to act in such a way.
"A devil, a born devil, on whose nature / Nurture can never stick" (Tempest 4.1.188-190). Are people really "born a devil"? Or is evil something which is inborn in humans and is always just there? The battle between nature vs. nurture is one that has been disputed for many years. It has been scientifically proven that genes (nature) determine certain traits, such as hair or eye color. The dispute, however, is concerning what determines a person's behavioral traits. Some scientists believe that these traits, too, are determined by genes, while others feel these traits are learned from the person's environment (genealogy.about.com). The idea that evil is inborn within humans is a. controversial issue associated with these beliefs. Many believe that evil behavior in people is something that is learned and is the result of "nurturing." At the same time, others believe evil is a tendency that humans...

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