Student Essay on Slavery and Abolitionists

Slavery and Abolitionists

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The American Anti-Slavery Society took pleasure in recruiting the two Grimke sisters, who wrote articles and spoke in public about their experiences with slavery. They became very influential by speaking to thousands of people.

Elijah P. Lovejoy took part in denouncing a judge who prevented the trial of a mob who had burned a black man alive. Because his articles angered so many people, people demanded that he quit printing articles on anti-slavery. Since Lovejoy did not stop writing the articles, the mobs destroyed Lovejoy's presses, and later killed him in November.

Though most abolitionists reached for the same goal, and even though half of the members of the anti-slavery society were women, most of the men believed that women should be kept inferior. Because they were unable to solve their conflict, the abolitionists split. The conservative group formed the Liberty Party, while William Lloyd Garrison's group kept a more radical position.

The abolitionists attacked Congress with petitions to end slavery. Former president John Quincy Adams fought against the gag rule which prevented Congress from recognizing antislavery petitions. He did succeed to do so in 1845. He also succeeded in defending the Africans who had seized a slave ship bound for Cuba. The Africans were acquitted of all charges and even won their freedom.

Black antislavery speakers strengthened the cause. When black speakers spoke to audiences, it was more compelling. This made the effect of their speeches more clear. A powerful influence on the antislavery movement was Frederick Douglass, who learned to read and write from his mistress, and then later escaped from his owners, where he teamed up with William Lloyd Garrison and traveled the north, telling stories of slavery.