Student Essay on How to Invest 177 Million Dollars

How to Invest 177 Million Dollars

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If I had one hundred and seventy seven million dollars, I would definitely put it to use. This money would go on new houses, cars, and investments. This money would for sure help me reach my goals in life!

With this money I would build my self a few houses. Because each of the houses would serve a different purpose. One of the houses will be a party house, meaning only big parties where everyone over eighteen will be invited. I would build a house for my parents as an appreciation for all that they have done for me over the years. And finally a house where I could live. All of these houses will be large with expansive furniture. But getting big expansive houses isn't my number one goal.

The number one goal I have would be to get my self a humongous garage where I would store my dream cars. This garage would have to be large enough to hold eleven different types of my favorite cars. And with the most high tech security system these cars will be safe. Some of the cars that this garage will store are Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Koenigsegg, the whole collection of Lamborghinis, Mclarin, Mercedes, Porsche, Rolls Royce, XTR, and Zonda. All of these cars will stand on like they are on display and always sparkle. And after I have built my houses, built the garage, and bought the cars, I will invest the money.

Investing money is important in my opinion, because if you invest it into the right places, you can make more money that what you started with. If that would happen the possibilities are endless. As far as sharing the money, I'll do that with the family members that I like, and a few of my friends.

If I had one hundred and seventy seven million dollars I would buy houses, cars, and investments. Reaching my goals with this this amount would be easy. That's why I need this cash.