Student Essay on The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

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Have your parents had some type of control over you which they would never be able to give up? In "The Glass Menagerie," written by Tennessee Williams. Williams argues that one person in a family, that pushes too hard once there is no communication it is most likely to fail. Williams tells use that Amanda pushes Tom and Laura, too her standards but the standards that she has set for both Laura and Tom may cause there family to fail.

During the The Great Depression family is all people had in those times, a lot of people want poor and had no place to go but out on the streets. So family is really the only thing that they got to turn too. Also during the Great Depression job very scares, so many people had no jobs, also because of the stock crash, the value of money went up, so many family that where some what stable would now become poor. So because of the Stock crash not very many jobs where available too all people at that time. The only thing that they had in that era is each other.

Williams argues that drinking in not good, too Amanda. Some people when dirking can be violent. . Many people will bet there wife. They can also cause a family too break apart. Drinking can cause your budget and cause argument between elders in the family. Often cause a strain in the budget, and a cause to split up. Money would be very scars as well so they would most likely have no money to spend. Many people fate people where intoxicated. Drinking is not a good so Amanda thinks.

Williams also, argues that no communication between family can be a strain on a family. Amanda all ways want Tom and Laura to talk to her. The more she wants them to talk to her the more they do not, the more they would hate to talk to her. Amanda pushes on both Tom and Laura to much. That will create tension between all there of them. Amanda should not push so much but she still does anyways.

Williams argues the family will be tested all the time but communication will help a family. Times where hard during that era, and family is all they had . How for can Amanda pushes before she can make one of them break.