Student Essay on Pancho Villa

Pancho Villa

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Pancho Villa was born 1877 near San Juan del Rio, Durango. Villa was a fugitive as a teenager. He resided in the mountains for his teenage years. In 1909 Villa accompanied Francisco Madero's revolt against the dictator Porfrio Diaz. Soon after he distinguished himself as a gifted soldier, military leader, and organizer. Villa learned to read and write regardless of having any real schooling. Villa was an important part in the toppling of Diaz in 1911. Victoriano Huerta, sentenced Villa to death, but Madero ordered that Villa be placed in prison. Villa escaped to the United States in 1912. Villa moved back to Mexico and formed the Division del Norte (Division of the North). Huerta then had Madero assassinated and took the power for himself. The Mexican Revolution of 1911 is what made Villa famous as a revolutionist. Before that he had various modest occupations. Joined by Venustiano Carranza, Villa dethroned Huerta in 1914. He was defeated along with Emiliano Zapata by Venustiano Carranza in 1915. Villa had a previous alliance with Carranza against General Victoriano Huerta. Villa was responsible for the shooting of 17 US citizens in Santa Isabel in 1916. He was also accountable for an assault on Columbus, New Mexico. Villa finally came to peace with the US government in 1920. In return for agreeing to retire from politics the US government pardoned him. Villa soon became governor of Chihuahua. Pancho Villa was murdered in Parral in 1923.