Student Essay on Blues Aint No Mockingbird

Blues Aint No Mockingbird

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This story conveys a message about people who are trying to say `'hey were humans to".

This story is a good story about human nature and is trying to explain that it doesn't matter about what kind of back round one comes from like if they're poor or if they're filthy rich even if they are un educated and do not use proper English like when granny the used word `'filmin" it really doesn't matter none of it can go with you when you die.

Its meaning is simple treat others how you would like to be treated. Treat everyone with the same respect one should not treat a poor person like they are not human like when the camera man is taking pictures of them like there inatoment objects, poor people have feelings just as a rich person who they think are to special for you and me and have peole fawn over them like a some type of royalty.

This story has explained how people can be so rotten like when granny says `' go tell them people we aint know trees". People should have a day as a poor person and feel how it feels to be the people looked down upon,that would staigten a lot of folks out.

This story was about life and what it teaches us about each ourselves.IfI had to rate this book it would be on my top ten list.