The Crucible Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of The Crucible.

The Crucible Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of The Crucible.
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Buy the Student Essay on The Crucible: Abigail Williams and the Art of Deception

The Crucible: Abigail Williams and the Art of Deception

Summary: Though many characters in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible tell lies, Abigail Williams is the greatest liar of all, and deftly misleads the Salem society. Her reasons for her lying escalate throughout the play, and in the end the lies lead to the death of many, as well as her own survival.
According to Britannica's online dictionary, the word lie when used as a verb means to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. The art of lying was perfected in Salem's society during a volatile time of religious uncertainty. A lie was a tool used as a method of instinctive self-defense in order to deflect blame from oneself towards another. Throughout the community, many people utilized this apparatus and whether knowingly or not helped to conjure one of the largest injustices known to the Christian Church. Nonetheless, although numerous characters in The Crucible were guilty of fibbing, Abigail Williams still remained the greatest liar.

Initially, "Abby's" only motivation for lying was to protect her own self from being associated with Lucifer. Her qualms regarding dancing in the woods seemed to be her primary reason for lying as she looked to place guilt elsewhere. "I never called him! Tituba...

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