A Tale of Two Cities Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Techniques in Influencing a Reader's Views.
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A Tale of Two Cities Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Techniques in Influencing a Reader's Views.
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Techniques in Influencing a Reader's Views

Summary: In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens seems to advocate change in both social and political traditions. His techniques include contrasts in order to sway the opinions of his audience. A Tale of Two Cities is set in both eighteenth-century England and France. Dickens contrasts late eighteenth-century Paris and London both to advance the plot and to draw conclusions about the nature of freedom, and the power of love.
Riots in Paris, rebellion amongst different classes, the storming of the Bastille...this is the time of the French Revolution. The revolution marked a turning point in Europe, and began changes in everyday life. Due to the changing atmosphere at the time of the French Revolution, much of the writing of the time period was affected as well. Writers use different techniques to convey to their audience the atmosphere at that time. Charles Dickens was a writer who did just that. Dickens used his writing skills in order to stress the changes in politics and society, as a whole, during the eighteenth century.

Throughout Charles Dickens's novel A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens focuses much of the audiences attention on true-to-life issues of the time period. Charles Dickens' birth into the lower-middle class really affected which social problems that he concentrated on. These problems include child labor, education...

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