Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Just and Unjust Treatment.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Just and Unjust Treatment.
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Just and Unjust Treatment

Summary: Dear Dr. King, Throughout your lifetime you lived for, supported, and fought for the fair treatment of African Americans in America. There have been many times throughout the history of the United States when Americans have felt the need to rise up against the government for "unjust" treatment. "Dr. King, like Henry Thoreau, you were willing to suffer for moral and political principles, even when faced with laws denying civil rights to all citizens.
November 15,2005

Dear Dr. King,

Throughout your lifetime you lived for, supported, and fought for the fair treatment of African Americans in America. There have been many times throughout the history of the United States when Americans have felt the need to rise up against the government for "unjust" treatment. As the years pass many people continue to confuse the idea of "unjust" treatment with a "just" treatment. During the time in which you marched and preached for the fair treatment of African Americans, you, yourself were placed in situations in which you were treated "unjustly" because of your race. One incident in particular you were even put into jail for the aftermath of the Birmingham confrontation with the municipal authorities where you were willing to go to jail for a good moral principle. After recently reading an excerpt from Henry Thoreau's essay, Resistance to Civil Government," in which...

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