Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of The Treaty of Versailles.

Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of The Treaty of Versailles.
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(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Student Essay on The Treaty of Versailles: A German "Victory" in 1918

The Treaty of Versailles: A German "Victory" in 1918

Summary: Post-World War I politics inadvertantly set the stage for World War II and Germany's war aggression under Adolph Hitler. France's demands for war spoils during the Treaty of Versailles negotiations were unfair to Germany and increased anger and a stronger sense of aggressive nationalism among the Germany people. Hitler took advantage of this political climate.

A German Victory in 1918

When the treaty of Versailles was signed June 28 1919 the whole world celebrated an allied victory, more importantly they celebrated victory over an evil empire set to destroy the world. This is the viewpoint taught to any American child who studies World War One. To suggest anything to the contrary could be construed as treason, after all the United States and Great Britain are good nations full of good people run by good democracies that fight the good fight and win the good fight and make our world a better place. Perhaps this too is a fallacy, the same kind of fallacy that said World War One was a war to end all wars and that victory would mean a long and lasting peace for generations to enjoy.

The good intention of the allied nations could be contested by their harsh, unyielding and downright hypocritical...

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