Student Essay on Solomon's Wise Ruling

Solomon's Wise Ruling

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Solomon's Wise Ruling

Solomon became king of Israel when his father, David, died. He was faithful to God by following the Lord's statutes, as his father had, with one exception. Like most Israelites, he worshiped at "the high places" (I Kings 3:2) which were like shrines in the hills, built where pagan shrines used to exist. Sometimes worship at these places turned into idolatry, which was what the Law of Moses forbade. Nevertheless, after Solomon had made a thousand burnt offerings at the altar of Gibeon, God appeared to him in a dream and said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you" (I Kings 3:5). Because Solomon humbly asked for "a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong" (I Kings 3:9), God gave him wisdom, in addition to, riches, honor, and a long life, as long as Solomon remained obedient to His commands. One of the greatest stories written about Solomon is the basis for what is sometimes referred to as the "Solomonic Decision." It comes from a case Solomon faced, where two prostitutes argued over the same baby. His solution was to cut the baby in half. The imposter was happy with this arrangement, but the true mother revealed herself by refusing and offering to let the other woman have the baby. Solomon's wisdom in this case inspired awe and amazement in the people of Israel because of the brilliance of his decision.