Student Essay on Censorship


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Censorship is the suppression or attempted suppression of something regarded as objectionable. Censorship should be part of our society. It controls all kind of inmoral situations, dirty TV programs and events, etc. Censorship promotes moral values and human dignity in the society.

Censorship establishes what things should exist in our community and what things should be restricted . Nowadays, censorship is violently criticized because it supposedly limits and prohibits freedom. But what is freedom? Freedom is the ability of choosing between two situations the best. So people against censorship are not talking about freedom, but about what they want to do. In the name of "liberty" they promote an indecent way of life. They surpass the other's rights and dignity in order to get whatever they wish. Society must react against this negative and senseless situation by demanding to cast out cynicism. Censorship defends real freedom, the truth, ethics, principles, morality. It permits the adecuate development of children in the society by exalting human virtues. Censorship exludes unfavorable elements from civilization.

In conclusion, I think that censorship should play an important and necessary role in our lives in order to create a better world. It leads us to a society filled with peace, respect and harmony. It proclaims equality and good ideals among human beings.