Student Essay on Rubies and Sapphires

Rubies and Sapphires by Sapphire

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Rubies and Sapphires are precious gemstones. For centuries, the preference of rubies over sapphires, as well as sapphires over rubies has been an issue among people all over the world. There are many similarities between rubies and sapphires. Buyers should be well informed about them in order to receive complete satisfaction with their purchase, and most important of all to prevent them from becoming victims of fraud. Comparisions between rubies and sapphires are probably the best way to get information before purchasing either one. The comparisonsof gemstones should be, but not limited to, their composition, distinctive features, and values.

Rubies and sapphires differ from each other in color and part of their composition, yet they are closely related. They are both hard and durable minerals. Rubies are composed of crystallized alumina with traces of chromium oxide. Sapphires are also composed of crystallized alumina, but with traces of iron and titanium oxide. The traces of chromium oxide found in rubies are responsible for the rubies' colors, in the same way that the traces of iron and titanium oxide found in sapphires are responsible for the sapphires' colors. Sometimes traces of iron are also found in rubies, and traces of chromium are sometimes present in sapphires.

Rubies are distinguished by their red color, which can vary from fiery vermilion to violet red. When rubies' colors are too pale or more violet than red, they are no longer called rubies, they are called sapphires. Sapphires are found in a variety of colors, which include: pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, black and blue. Blue sapphires are known to be the most exquisite of all sapphires. Rubies and sapphires can differ from each other in color and chemical compostion; but it is still hard to stablish demarcation between them. Rubies and sapphires can be both transparent and opaque, but only rubies can be partly translucent.