Student Essay on Support of Family and Friends Helps Us Overcome Challenges

Support of Family and Friends Helps Us Overcome Challenges

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How do family, friends and community help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals?

One way families help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals is by morally helping us. An excellent example of this is in the story called "skating across the cultural gap" when it explains why Jordan Tootoo is better prepared to leave than other Inuit players. The reason is in this part of the story "he was better prepared to leave than other Inuit players because his parents-although they could hardly afford it- paid for him to go to hockey schools in Winnipeg, Alberta, and British Columbia. His father had played senior hockey in Manitoba and understood the value of training and learning to live another culture." This shows that his parents wanted their son to learn how to live his life right instead of just letting him fall into the easiest and laziest life he could find.

Another way that family and friends help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals is by financially helping us. In my own experiences my parents have helped me by pitching in some money for a truck that I bought for when I get my drivers license and a couple other times they have also helped me with some money issues that I have had. I believe that this shows that they want me to have a good start at life. It also shows that he isn't paying for everything and he wants me to learn and understand the meaning of money and how to save it.

Having family and friends around to help you out is good because you probably wouldn't make it on your own.