Student Essay on Dress Codes

Dress Codes

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I Am against the idea of wearing school uniforms. Students should be able to wear what they like and feel comfortable in. Most kids disagree with wearing school uniforms because kids want to wear their own clothes to school it makes them feel unique and comfortable. Students should feel free to wear what they want. We should not be expected to wear special type of clothing. Also you shouldn't have to pay to wear school uniforms for school.

People with other opinions might not want to follow my solution. Instead my opposition will most likely make their own solutions. People in favor of uniforms might say that wearing uniforms is best so that students wont wear inapropriate clothing. Some other objections the opposition will make is that wearing uniforms will stop kids from wearing clothes like tanktops, shortshorts,or other type of clothes.

Some solutions to the problem are: wearing the uniforms on certian days and have other days when you can wear your choice of clothes. Their can be rules for what you can wear like the shorts will have to be certian inches long. Another solution is making all shirts 1inch long at the top. Even though a dress code causes many arguments you can talk it out and use your solutions.