Clinical depression Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Depression.

Clinical depression Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Depression.
This section contains 266 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Depression - Symptoms and Treatment

Summary: This essay is about depression. Discusses its causes, symptoms and treatment. Reveals warning signs of depression.
Many things can cause depression. It's genetic even. Stress, hormonal imbalance, loss of a job, a divorce and most of all death, can cause depression.

If someone goes too long without seeking help or talking to anyone about their feelings, they could take drastic measures to escape. Suicide, is what people do when they are really depressed and feel like they have nothing to live for. Conditions leading to suicide are always treatable. There is never any reason for anyone to ever kill themselves. People who have depression don't realize how much people care about them. That is why if you are a friend of someone who has depression or is suicidal, you need to tell them how you feel about them. Tell them you love them and that you don't want to see them hurt themselves.

It is pretty easy to tell if your friend or family member is depressed. Some of the warning signs include: always being irritable always being sad, overemotional or sensitive. They also have a negative outlook on everything. They always talk about death and always want to be alone. There are many other warning sign and symptoms. There are other things you can do besides talking to them. You can support them in all that they do. You can also encourage them to try new things. But remember the number one way to end suicide is to prevent it. If you see something bad that is going on, talk to your friend or talk to a trusted adult. You don't want to go through life asking "What if's"

This section contains 266 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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