Student Essay on Death of a Farm, A Review

Death of a Farm, A Review

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Amy Jo Keifer grew up on a family farm in eastern Pennsylvania. Amy says, "My family's farm is dying and I have watched it, and my family suffer." She has been raised a farmer's daughter belonging to 4-H and being a showman of sheep and cattle.

The family farm was operated by her grandparents for more than twenty years. After the grandfather's death, Amy's father took over the farm. He made changes in the type of livestock and continued to harvest the land. Regardless of what he tried, it wasn't enough to support the family. Her father eventually had to take on a full-time job and still work the farm.

She has fond memories of large herds of more than 200 pigs going to market and sitting on the fence with her sister, naming cows. There was a time when her father delivered hay to farms all over the state.

Then the prices began to fall, and nothing was gained for all the hard work. She had seen the farm fail time and again. They only have 25 sheep now, which brings them little revenue. Amy's mother once said, " Your father works full-time to support the farm. I work full-time to support the family." This statement will remain with her forever.

Raised with the belief that hard work pays off, she has clearly seen that it doesn't. Amy thinks the farm is on it's final breath. She knows the feeling of broken faith.