Student Essay on Games: Responsible for Violence in Teens

Games: Responsible for Violence in Teens

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These days television and games has taken control over kids mind. They seem to be very popular things in the world. The topic is "Are games really responsible for the violence in kids or not"? According to me yes, yes they are the most responsible for the violence in kids now days. Teens get inspired by the adventure and violence that they see in games. I think strong steps should be taken against those game companies who created games full of violence.

There are plenty of games out there in market that contains violence suck as halo, age of empires and many more. Many teenagers get excited by watching violence in the games and try to do the exact stunts in real life. As a result, they lose the important parts of their body and spend rest of their lives with that. Moreover, many teenagers have not seen real fight or weapons in their lives but they feel excited by watching them on games. Actions and weapons in these games are the most responsible for violence in teens.

Many teenagers try to do these stunts in front of a big crowd to become popular. Game companies should explain that these stunts are unreal so teens would think before doing them. Teens try to fight like character in video game does and hurts their friends. Game companies make more and more violence games because teens like them. Unexplained and unreal stunts are one of the facts that spared violence in teens now days.

We can conclude that teenagers are changing themselves in to something that is completely unreal and useless to them. All the accidents that happen to teens are because of the violence they see on games. Violence in games has turn out to be the biggest enemy of teenagers.