The Ugly American Essay | Essay

William J. Lederer
This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of The Ugly American Exists Indeed.

The Ugly American Essay | Essay

William J. Lederer
This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of The Ugly American Exists Indeed.
This section contains 821 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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The Ugly American Exists Indeed

Summary: Discusses the effects of ethnocentrism by Americans in the book "The Ugly American" by Eugene Burdick and William J. Lederer.
After years and years of experience in foreign diplomacy one would think that the United States would try to increase awareness about foreign cultures. But instead this country remains ignorant to culture and customs; this takes its toll on relations with other countries. America is not showing any signs that it is learning from mistakes when it makes them. The "ugly American" stereotype is spreading through countries in the Middle East and Asia like a disease. In 1958 a book named "The Ugly American" was published to show the public how their country's integrity was being ruined by ethnocentric diplomats and people who abandon their consciences for imperialism and money. In "The Ugly American" the character Joe Bing demonstrates ethnocentrism, the incident with the tract of land used by the Sarkhanese Air Force demonstrates imperialism, and the series of questions that U Maung Swe tells exactly what mistakes Americans...

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