Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of How the Treaty of Versailles Led to Political Instability.

Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of How the Treaty of Versailles Led to Political Instability.
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How the Treaty of Versailles Led to Political Instability

Summary: Contends that the Treaty of Versailles led to political and economic instability in Germany. Includes a discussion of the Weimar Constitution.
The Versailles Peace Treaty can only be partially responsible for the crisis faced by the Weimar Government in 1923. It can be held responsible for the political instability and economical downfall but can not be held responsible for the Weimer constitution. Prior to the war 1924 Germans were very proud people under the dictatorship of the Kaiser. They had a strong army, prospering businesses, and a well educated well fed work force. It was not until four years later after the First World War that Germany was seen under a whole new light, it was it ruins. Not only did it need to rebuild its own country back but it had The Peace Treaty of Versailles placed heavily on them as well. The main contributing factors that lead to Germanys down fall during this time was economic instability, the political crisis and the Weimar constitution.

The economic instability which contributed...

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