Student Essay on Faith and Religion: A Matter of Choice

Faith and Religion: A Matter of Choice

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I was brought up a Baptist and still remain a firm believer in God. So, please don't take this essay to be completely questioning the ways of certain religions. For as long as any history about religion I have known, it has been correct for children to accept the religion of their parents. This is not a choice by the child but more of an idea forced upon them eventually leading into the strong belief in that idea, no matter what religion. How can a child know his own beliefs if preached to him as if it were the only religion that was real. So the outcome of all this is individuals who doubt the possibility of any other religion. This leads to tension among religion, as i have experienced. Going to school and all people talk and eventually at some point in a child's life they will have to say there religion, should they be ashamed embarrassment for claiming their religion? No. Many I can imagine have though and so it is nearly evident that religion is an ordeal that shouldn't be made fun of. I feel it would be easier for others to accept others religions had their own religion not been forced upon them. Instead children when at the appropriate age should be allowed to make their own personal choice based on their individual views.