Student Essay on Pasadena


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Welcome to the wonderful wonderland of my Pasadena Report! In this report, it will tell you everything that you need to know about Pasadena! So let's get started.

Pasadena is located north of L.A. California. It has many famous places in such as the Rosebowl, Norton Simon Museum of Art, the Gamble House, and Wrigley's bubble gum house.

The Rosebowl is a football field, for the Rosebowl college team. To get included on the team, the player has to be extremely good at playing.

The oldest restaurant in Pasadena is the restaurant Majares. It was founded in 1920. Majares is a Mexican Restaurant.

The Rosebowl Parade

The Rosebowl Parade is a parade with floats made out of all roses! People grow roses, order roses, and collect roses the whole year to get ready to make floats for the Rosebowl parade! There is a contest for these wonderful floats in this parade on Colorado Boulevard. The winner of this contest gets a prize.

At the annual Rosebowl Parade, it is very crowded because it is famous for its floats.

Norton Simon Museum of Art

At the Norton Simon Museum of Art there were the original copies of the art that Rembrandt, Picasso, Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, etc drew on the walls! Here are some postcards of the pictures that were on the walls of the Norton Simon Museum of Art.