About a Boy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Comparison of the Film and the Book "About a Boy" by Nick Hornby.
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About a Boy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Comparison of the Film and the Book "About a Boy" by Nick Hornby.
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Buy the Student Essay on Comparison of the Film and the Book "About a Boy" by Nick Hornby

Comparison of the Film and the Book "About a Boy" by Nick Hornby

Summary: Essay provides a comparison of the book "About a Boy" to the film "About a Boy."
The book " About a boy" is written by Nick Hornby. The film "About a boy" based on the book, is created among others, by Jane Rosenthal and Robert De Niro. Nick Hornby also had a lot of influence in the making of the picture, in ways of directing and script writing.

When I saw the film "About a boy" after reading the book I was surprised by how different the movie was compared to what I had imagined everything to be like. The women in SPAT (Single Parents Alone Together) weren't all sexy, the duck that Marcus killed with a piece of bread didn't die by just one piece of loaf, Marcus threw the whole freaking bread! Sometimes the film fully copies the lines that are in the book, this creates a funny "dejavu" when you have read the book, but sadly this doesn't happen often. A thing...

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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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