Student Essay on Dear Scrooge

Dear Scrooge by Charles Dickens

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Dear Scrooge,

How could you be so inconsiderate? Talking to your cousin like that was making me so sick! You want him do die in hot pudding and them have holly stuck through his heart. That's evil. And then I, you're best friend and partner of work is dieing and what do you? Work! You sit on your butt and do more work. Just so you could be richer than you already are. Then what do you do with it? Nothing all you do is count it and stare at it. You could help yourself, the family, and the poor people. Instead you do nothing but watch it pile up.

Do you really want poor people to die to lower the surplus population? I don't think you really meant that. If you did you're the most inhuman disgusting man I've ever met in my entire life. You really have to change your ways. If you don't you'll end up with a burden like mine to carry and I know you really don't want that. That means be nice to your nephew. Not just your nephew, but your whole family. And it also means give to the poor. I warned you please head my warning.


Jacob Marley