Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Treaty of Versailles.

Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Treaty of Versailles.
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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Treaty of Versailles

Summary: Essay examines why the "Big Three" were not able to achieve their aims they wanted in the Treaty of Versailes.
The Treaty of Versailles was the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference. All of the important decisions on the fate of Germany were taken by the `Big Three', namely Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson. The `Big Three' got on badly from the start and throughout the Conference as each had different aims at the Peace Conference. In the end, the `Big Three' could not achieve the aims they wanted in the Treaty of Versailles.

France, under Clemenceau, aimed not only to seek revenge, but also to weaken Germany so that it would never be able to attack France again. Clemenceau also wanted to make Germany pay for the damage caused by the war and to reduce its army, industry and trade so that it could never recover its former strength. Clemenceau was also under intense pressure from his people to make Germany pay for the suffering they...

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