This section contains 639 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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Golding's Critique on How Naive the Human Being Can Be in His Novel "Lord of the Flies"
Summary: Focused on the part where Simon speaks to the "ord of the Flies. The essay also shows a critique made by William Golding in his book the "Lord of the Flies" about how naive we can be.
In the part where Simon is speaking with the lord of the flies, it is seen that the author of the book, Golding, states a great critique on how naive the human being can be by thinking that "the beast was something you could hunt and kill" (Golding 143), and by thinking that we can kill the temptations that it gives us. But was worries more about the statement that human being can't avoid those temptations is that he, Golding, shows temptation as something only possible inside society, it can't happen to a sole individual, so Golding, puts the beast as an idea made by the common thinking of society.
About the problem on how the Lord of the Flies, or the beast are made by a common thinking of society, the part where the Lord of the Flies is talking to Simon, although I think that Simon is...
This section contains 639 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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