Student Essay on The Truman Show Write Up

The Truman Show Write Up

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In the past, before TV and computers and videogames, kids went outside and played sports, rode bikes all day, played soccer, hockey, basketball, and even baseball. Then we wonder why so many kids are depressed now, why we have such a high level of obesity, and why we're becoming lazier and lazier with each and every year.

To me Entertainment is something that the media uses to subliminally message us, and get product advertisements across with. They have made our whole economy dependant on them for something to do. The Truman Show was a form of manipulation. They completely controlled his life. It was a way for the media to show that they have complete control. By watching that show, you had to keep watching if you didn't want to miss something important. You couldn't just tape it and watch it later. They had you hooked.