Student Essay on Alone in a Crowd

Alone in a Crowd

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Most of us have to see things with our own eyes to believe in it, but everything we see is not always as it seems. When you see a family member or friend you see them as how you know they are but yet do you see that person in the same way they see themselves?

Everyone at some point has wondered what it would be like if we could be someone else for the day and see what others think of you as.

Millions of faces in the world, who are brought up in the same cultures, eat the same food, watch the same television, yet no two people in the world view life through the same visions.

When you're walking through a crowd full of people, you are amongst others but for some of us, still alone. If we see a stranger in a kilt we automatically stereotype him as a Scottish man but in reality he could be anyone in disguise. Our first impressions on people happen long before we open our mouths to speak to them even though it is morally wrong to do this. It is wrong to judge others on how we first see them, but everyone does it and probably always will.

If we were to judge ourselves, would the impression be the same as what we think or see when we look in the mirror? Most likely it won't be the same. Many say first impressions are very important, but if a judgment was made on you when you're having a bad day then that judgement nessecarily be correct. That's why if we judge people before we know them, we are usually wrong in our judgements.

Once we know someone, is it right to judge them? Even after we know someone well, It still couldn't be the real them. It is vital to always be yourself, otherwise people will have wrong opinions of you.