Student Essay on Differences between Men and Women

Differences between Men and Women

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In this book there are a lot of differences of how men and women were treated. The women in this book, were to stay home, take care of the family and do thing's that house wives do at home. The men in this book work to feed there families. The children, also, are different. The boys get to play outside, while the girls have to stay home and help with the cleaning and act like young ladies.

Now today, the women and men are not that different in their roles in life. The women do about all the jobs that men are able to do, but they seem to be paid less. The women are slowly entering the political field, in addition to working. Men still seem to dominate most of hte fields, like math and scienc. In the home women are still expected to cook, clean and care for the children, in addition to working. Men are also able to cook and do things that women do at home, but most of the time, the men still come home from work and watch television.

The Affirimative Action is a concern, I feel that there is a problem with this. Now these days, employers appear to be required to hire uneven numbers of races. They hire as many minorities as they want, but there is no requirement for white people. It seems like the white people are being discriminated in favor of equality. I think that the most qualified person should be hired, regardless of race or sex.