Student Essay on Video Games: Safe or Sorry

Video Games: Safe or Sorry

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Video Games: Safe or Sorry

On a web site, this phrase was posted: "Don't blame every problem of the world on video games, if so then Osama Bin Laden would of played Flight Simulator a little bit too much." Video Games do not promote violence.

The media tend to say video games lead to aggressive behavior. Therefore, violence in video games should be removed. There is not enough proof to prove that violence in video games will send a child on a killing spree. "In a recent study of 71 kids aged 8 to 12, there was no significant increase in aggressive mood scores after a violent video game. "1

Games are rated so people of different age groups can obtain the appropriate game with the right amount of violence and language rated for that age group. Ratings in games should be checked by parents and sales clerk. The manufacturer can't be blamed, the games need to be sold with its violence as an appeal to people. Let's look at it another way. Are Budweiser and Labatt to blame for underage drinking"

In fact, a positive mood was increased after a violent video game. Video games violence lets you take your aggressions out without physically harming anything in reality. In fact, a positive mood was increased after a violent video game. Video games violence lets you take your aggressions out without physically harming anything in reality. After a week of being stressed with classes playing a violent video game, will take away your anger. It sounds funny, but a violent video game actually helps with relaxation.

When it comes to a violent video game it is much easier to blame the game for your children's behavior then to blame yourself for bad parenting skills.