Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Evil in the Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Evil in the Lord of the Flies.
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(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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Evil in the Lord of the Flies

Summary: This essay describes how evil is portrayed through Golding's characters in "The Lord of the Flies," as well as the various affects that evil as on them and their behavior.
Golding portrays evil through Jack in Lord of the Flies as Jack takes advantage of the lack of authority. Jack's wicked behavior and the consequences for his actions can be realistically compared to mankind's evil in our society. Golding uses Jack's character to exemplify how a man's personality will alter as he adapts to new surroundings and circumstances. It is also shown that the tribulations an individual encounters will bring about the awareness of the evil inside the person. True evil will emerge most extensively when a person's malicious actions cannot receive proper punishment. Golding tells the story of a situation where proper punishment is not an option because there is no authority to strictly enforce it. When this lack of authority occurs, a person is able to unmask there evil side without the fear of being disciplined. In Lord of the Flies this scenario is most true...

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