Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of The Treaty of Versailles.

Treaty of Versailles Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 5 pages of analysis of The Treaty of Versailles.
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The Treaty of Versailles

Summary: Evaluates the success of the Treaty of Versailles. Considers how the treaty addressed the cause of the conflict and restored peace and morality to the world. Describes how the treaty failed to end enemy tensions in Europe or offer solutions to post-war recovery.
At 11:00 on the 11th day of November, 1918, the Germans agreed upon an armistice and began demobilizing its troops. While many Germans could not understand why there was cause for Germany to surrender since no significant battles had been lost on their behalf and their army was still in decent condition, they failed to comprehend the economic strain introduced by the new method of total war. Even so, after reading Wilson's 14 Points, Germany felt it would still be possible to end the war on somewhat positive grounds. However, Wilson had underestimated his allies' malleability, and as the Allies met over a period of 5 months in which they arduously negotiated in attempts to develop the final terms of a peace treaty, the different objectives of the "Big Three" weakened the focus on Wilson's 14 Points' principles of justice to all people and nationalities in the treaty. While the top priority of...

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