The Crucible Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Symbolism in The Crucible.

The Crucible Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Symbolism in The Crucible.
This section contains 520 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Symbolism in The Crucible

Summary: Analyzes the Arthur Miller play, The Crucible. Describes the significance of the play's title. Explores symbolism and characterization in the play.
In the play The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, the reader can clearly see the true meaning of the word "crucible." Some of the charactors experience the meaning of the way that Miller has used the word "crucible." Some of the charactors were tested to their limits, and folded under the pressure. Another interpretation of the word is the way they purify metal, which is similar to how they purify the accused who confess.

When someone is being pushed to their limit, they generally can not continue like that. Most people will fold under pressure and do anything to save themselves or someone else. In the play, the accused are tested to their limits to see whether or not they will fold and tell everyone they are witches to save their lives, or if they will keep honest with themselves and proclaim to be innocent even though they...

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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