This section contains 1,110 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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Civilization Vs. Savagery in Lord of the Flies
Summary: Compares and contrasts two conflicting behaviors - civilized behavior and uncontrolled behavior. Uses the William Golding novel, Lord of the Flies as a reference and provides supporting examples from the text.
The human will has two desires that conflict with each other: to live by civilization and to live by savagery. The civilized impulse we have is to live peacefully, morally, and by rules and laws. The savage characteristic we have is to act violently, using force to gain authority and power over others. Throughout Lord of the Flies, Golding links the idea of civilization with good, and savagery with evil. How do civilization and savagery compare and contrast, and what does the novel tell us of human nature? Golding implies that civilization and savagery are opposite forms of basic government structure, and uses Ralph to show the method of civilization, and Jack to show the method of savagery. Even though civilized and savage are areas on opposite ends of a continuum, they run parallel to one another in certain aspects. Finally, Golding recognizes that when isolated from the...
This section contains 1,110 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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