Student Essay on Enhancing Life Through Stem Cell Research

Enhancing Life Through Stem Cell Research

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Medical research has brought many changes to the health world, and one of these ways is stem cell research. As technology keeps growing we find that medical research does as well. Stem cell research is one of the biggest breakthroughs for the possibility of life.

An unspecialized cell that gives rise to a specific cell is a stem cell. The stem cell can continuously divide and can take the place of a nerve cell, blood cell, or a heart cell.

Stem cell research is beneficial to many people because of the fact there are many people suffering from diseases that stem cells play an important role in. Organ transplants is something we have advanced in, but the problem is we don't have supply of organs to take care of the large demand for them. Stem cell research allows us to help more people in need of organ transplants. Once stem cells reach cell therapy, the final stage, they can replace specialized cells. The specialized cells could be the one causing the disease, and if we replace them with stem cells it could fix the problem.

Stem cell research takes a role in enhancing life. Stem cell research gives hope to people who think there is no possibility of life. We need to take risks because some of the greatest accomplishments for medical researchers is taking risks. Stem cell research can save millions of hopeless lives.

Many people think that stem research is wasting embryos, but its not. When mothers, who cant produce, get embryos implanted in them they only use so many embryos. The embryos that are not used are flushed down the sink, burned, or released so that air that hits them causes them to die. Why not use these embryos for something that can help save people?

Stem cell research is a medical advancement that can save people who thought they didn't have a chance. It also plays important role in preventing and curing diseases that we thought of as incurable.