Student Essay on Cappilary Compasity

Cappilary Compasity

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Purpose: The purpose of the project is to find out which of the soils hold the most water.

Hypothesis: I think the Pete moss will hold more water than the sand because it is a lot rockier and heavier than the sand.


  1. - First we tied the gym shirt to the bottom of one tube.
  2. - We filled the first tube with ¼ sand and the second tube with ¼ Pete moss.
  3. - We filled each tube with 75 ml of water.
  4. - Tied both the tubes to a wire and raised the wire.
  5. - We waited for 15 min while the water dripped into the cups.
  6. - Then after 15 min then we took the water that was left in the tubes and measured each tubes amount of water.

Sandy Soil (ml) Pete Moss (ml)

Water Poured Into Tube 75 ml 75 ml

Equal Amount Of Water Held In Soil 25 ml 30 ml


In the end of this project the Pete moss held more water than the sand. I think the Pete moss would be better for growing plants because It more thicker than the sand and it can hold more water.