Student Essay on The Color of Hate

The Color of Hate

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"I hate you"! these are greatly strong words to say to someone. You can determine the way that person was using the word hate, and that's by the Bogardus scale,which is a scale that has different levels of haterd. Hate is a harmful word and it is greatly wrong to use to put someone down.

I have had the ungrateful chance with hate. In the third grade I was called a derogatory slur by a caucasian person who dislike me because I was a different race then his and that was hurtful to me. It was harmful because it put my self-esteem down and i felt degraded so in an inhumanly manner.It also impacted the school because my parents came and talked to the principal and the asst. principal and the name callers parents. At the end of this ordeal the name caller was removed from my class and I never had to deal with him ever again.

Somebody very close to me was looking for an apartment was ignored by the landlord, because he did not look like he could pay rent. At the beginning of the year a friend of my family was looking for an apartment in a very upscale kind of neighborhood,and was denied shelter because he didn't look like he could pay the rent.It was harmful to the person because it brought the person down. Because it was like saying to their face your not good enough to live in mundane existence. it impacted the person by creating a very low self esteem and for days he did not leave home.It impact the community by having a petition signed to remove the landlord from the company that he worked for. I think what this person did was very brave.

Hate is a harmful word and it is greatly wrong to use to put someone down.Hate should be erase from the human language. Hate hurts a lot of people. So from now on peace on earth not hate.