Student Essay on World War I

World War I

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World war 1 started when the Austrian Archduke was murdered by a serbian nationalist. This cause Austria to declare war on Bosnia. Germany, Austrain's ally, joined in on the war effort. Since Russia was Bosnia's ally, Russia along with England joinded the war. When people joined the war, they thought war would be fun and there would be a quick finish. This was proved wrong when the war had started in 1914 and was still continuing in 1917. The American joined the war in 1917 and made it end in 1918. The effects of the war on America was that it caused the economy to go up until it crashed in 1931-1932. There was a negative effect on Germany. The currency of Germany became worthless and people were forced very negative about their current life. Therefore there was very little nationalism in the country

In conclusion, WW1 ended up as a long war with big death tolls just because of the attack of a Austrian archduke by a Serbian Nationalist